Friday, March 23, 2012

Introduction: Starting to Follow the BIBLE READING PROGRAM

Does anybody claims that he/she read the whole of the Bible? Maybe yes if there's any, but how many years did he or she managed to accomplished this endeavor? Is it five years or more or less... After that what  will be the rewards he got from it?if this is the time frame, can you managed to do this by yourself? maybe not...

Now here is a new and systematic way of reading the bible....This new  Bible Reading Program is the key to successful and rewarding time and effort of understanding the  content of the bible....This Reading Program was spread over 33 units; each unit contains seven readings; and each reading requires only 15 minutes a day.

This reading program tries to respect, at the same time, the chronology of events, the date of composition of the books and the evolution of Revelation.

I invite everybody especially those who are interested to read the whole bible. Pleas e join me in this endeavor as we travel along the journey of unlocking the secrets of Salvation History through reading the Bible.

To facilitate the Program, i will publish the bible verse each day beginning on Sunday as the first day of the week.. and so on...

We try to read the verses at the suitable time say after waking up in the morning..

For those who are interested to join, you may register to me sending your full name. address and email address at the following email address:

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